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 Bev’s Gospel

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“Bev’s New World” 

A special blog with unique

insights to “lift you up” in life

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“Bev’s Gospel Music” 

Songs of Hope Comfort

and Strength for Difficult times

Music Albums



Song Videos 

You Raise Me Up (Cover Song) :

Rest In Me –  Music Video   :

Rest In Me – Piano & Vocal :

Run To The Lord-Piano & Vocal :



Dear Visitor                                                                                

Hi.  My name is Beverley and I am a gospel singer songwriter.    I have been writing songs for many years and have always had a passion and love for music.   I grew up as a Protestant believer. My goal is to create songs to uplift and encourage people with a message of hope.   I know what it’s like to go through trials and hardships.   Therefore I like to gear my songs especially to people going through struggles and difficult times.   My aim is to testify about how God’s power has brought me through my own times of trial and that He can also do the same for you too.    

My music style can be loosely classified as pop rock.  However I have also ventured into other styles within my own  genre.  My influences are Leann Rimes, Celine Dion,  Tina Arena, Gloria Estefan,  Natalie Grant and Evanescence & Ella Fitzgerald .  For ease of selection I have classified my songs into their particular style.   You may be in the mood for a particular genre or tempo of song depending on how your mood takes you.   I also often write songs based on my favourite bible verses that have encouraged me over the years.

I’ve chosen a beautiful nature theme for my website so that you can relax and hopefully find this website a bit of a sanctuary from your hectic and stressful lives.  I often find looking at the vast ocean relaxes me and reminds me of how big and vast God is and that he has the power to take care of us.

I hope you will find rest and comfort for your soul through my songs and messages.  Please send me feedback if anything from my site has ministered to you.   If you have any questions about the faith you can also ask me via the contact page and I will do my best to answer. 

Take Care and God Bless

Kind Regards



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Blog- Bev’s New World


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